Because the various countries'Central Bank locates the system and the environment are different, objectively existence information communication different strategy. 由于各国中央银行所处的体制和环境不同,客观上存在着信息沟通的不同策略。
The existence of information asymmetry gives rise to problems such as moral hazard, and adverse selection, studied in contract theory. 信息不对称的存在产生了例如“道德风险”“逆向选择”等问题,这些问题在“契约理论”中研究。
The research result shows that the existence of information asymmetry of share holders promotes the development of independent audit system and audit profession. 在成熟市场机制下,独立审计声誉机制能够有效发挥信息传递、质量担保、节约社会成本和规范与发展资本市场的功能。
Physical existence and information content are inextricably linked. 实体的存在与资讯内容繁复地连结在一起。
The objective existence of information asymmetry and accounting uncertainty requires a rational enterprise to manage earnings. 信息的不对称及会计的不确定性是客观存在的,理性的企业必然对盈余信息加以管理。
But the existence of information communication obstacles blocks the realization of this probability objectively and leads to the trend of information difference enlargement. 但信息交流障碍的存在,客观上阻碍了这种可能的实现,并导致了信息贫富差距扩大化的趋势。
The existence of information gap in tasks. 任务信息的真实性。
However, the existence of information island phenomenon seriously impedes the course of informationization for signaling speciality. 而信息孤岛现象是对信号专业信息化进程的严重困扰。
Based on the research of agency relation and contracts, the article redefines the residual power. It proves the existence of information power and describes its definition and characteristics. 本文透过对委托代理关系和契约的研究,在GHM理论的基础上,重新界定了剩余权力的内涵和外延,确定了信息权力的存在并明确了信息权力内涵和基本特征。
This article elaborates the necessity of the existence of information resource management systems in public crisis management and the important roles played by the establishment of public information resource management systems in government crisis management. 论文阐述了信息资源管理系统在公共危机管理中的必要性,以及建立公共危机信息资源管理系统在政府危机管理中的重要作用。
Was consulting the existence information to discover, At present our country scholars all thought the sports humanities environment is extremely important to the large-scale sports sports event, must improve conducts the city the sports humanities environment. 在查阅了现有资料发现,目前我国学者都认为体育人文环境对大型体育赛事非常重要,要改善举办城市的体育人文环境。
The market trades are not costless. The existence of information asymmetry problems and so on can induce the transaction cost, transaction cost is the key component to influence the realization of the electricity market reform and energy trades. 市场交易不是无成本的,信息不对称等问题的存在导致了交易费用的出现,交易费用是影响电力市场化改革与电能交易实现的又一关键因素。
In existence of information asymmetry and temporary price impact, we study the predatory trading strategy and the necessary condition. We also give the numerical example. 引入信息不对称和瞬时冲击,研究了捕食交易策略及其存在的必要条件,并给出数值算例。
In addition, because of the existence of information asymmetry collusion cost is very small, so the measures to prevent and control the effective implementation is difficult. 另外,串谋的成本因为信息不对称的存在变得很小,从而预防和控制措施有效实施变得困难。
Because of the existence of information asymmetry, lawyers occupy the relative information advantage; therefore, lawyers need to undertake the obligations of disclosure by appropriate regulations, and this arrangement has great significance of maintaining a relationship of trust between them. 由于信息不对称现象的存在,而律师又占据着相对的信息优势,因此,从法律角度对律师承担的信息披露义务进行适度规制,对于维持两者之间的信赖关系具有重要的意义。
Because of the existence of Information Asymmetry, the market unbalance caused by the specific characteristics of real estate products, the regulation must be carried out by the government. 由于市场信息不对称性的存在、房地产产品的特殊性导致市场非均衡的常态性,政府对房地产市场进行调控是必要的。
The information is something that used to eliminate the uncertainty. The primary purpose of the cryptography is to hide the meaning of information, not the existence of information. 信息本身是用以消除不确定性的,而密码学的首要目是隐藏信息的涵义,并不是隐藏信息的存在。
Audio digital watermarking technology is a kind of information hiding technology, Information hiding is a technology which embeds the important data into the digital audio to hide the existence information for copyright identification or undercover communication. 音频数字水印是一种信息隐藏技术,它是一种在不对音频载体信号产生过分影响的条件下将额外的信息嵌入到数字媒体中以实现隐蔽通信、版权保护等功能的技术。
The method uses sub-pixel translation to remove the existence information of steganography in images, and improves the discrimination of features. 该方法利用亚像素平移来消除隐写算法在图像中的存在性信息,提高特征的区分度。
This study is no longer limited to demonstrate the existence of information bias, but the more space there for the discussion of the theory of biased news source. 故本研究不再局限于论证新闻是否存在偏向,而是把更多的篇幅用于讨论新闻偏向产生的理论渊源。
The information hiding technology is to hide the existence of information. It hides the secret information in another public carrier to ensure the hidden transmission and the use of information. 而信息隐藏技术是隐藏信息的存在性,它将秘密信息隐藏在另一公共载体中,使攻击者不知道是否存在秘密信息,从而保证信息使用、传输的隐蔽性,达到及提高信息的安全。
The existence of information asymmetry between both parties of outsourcing is the primary cause of the failure. 从根源上看,外包双方之间存在的信息不对称是外包失败的主要原因,因此本文针对家电企业售后服务外包中的信息不对称问题进行了系统的研究。
In this model, information cost is a core conception. The existence of information cost introduces the asymmetry of information and incomplete rationality of investor. 在模型中,我们引入了信息成本的概念,正是由于信息成本的存在,才导致了信息的不对称以及投资者的不完全理性。
The computer and computer technology are the fundamental conditions for the existence of information society. 计算机及计算机技术是信息社会赖以存在的根本条件。
Because of the existence of information asymmetry phenomenon, in recent years, the domestic and international financial fraud cases continue to emerge, listed companies use various means of earnings management, serious encroaching on the rights and interests of stakeholders. 由于存在信息不对称现象,近年来,国内外财务舞弊案件不断涌现,上市公司采用各种手段进行盈余管理,严重侵害了相关利益者的权益。
The existence of information asymmetric and agency problem highlight the role of external auditor. 信息不对称与委托代理问题的存在,为独立审计师的出现提供了契机。
The existence of information asymmetry phenomenon in financial market and the strong requirement of market transaction parties and supervision parties for information of commercial banks absolutely result in the establishment and perfection of legal system of information disclosure of commercial banks. 金融市场信息不对称现象的存在以及市场交易主体、监管主体对银行信息的强烈需求,必然导致商业银行信息披露法律制度的建立和完善。
Information hiding technology is a new all-around subject born to solve this problem, and it has high security since it protects information by hiding the existence of information. 信息隐藏技术正是为解决这一难题而新生的一门综合性学科。它以隐藏信息的存在性来保障信息的安全,具有非常高的安全性。
Often the existence of information asymmetry problem. 就常常存在信息不对称的问题。
The existence of information cannot symmetric, but it makes sense to understand the causes, mechanisms and IPRs transactions diffusion mechanism between them. 信息始终不可能对等存在,但了解信息不对称产生的原因、知识产权交易扩散机制以及它们之间的作用机制有很重要的意义。